Yes yes.. I know

Hell.. I've been talking about moving to Google for over a year now and it still failed to materialize. At first, its because I thought it might be hard for people who are accustomed to my Friendster's blog to join this migration with me. You know, since to most people, Friendster is about the only website that they visit eveytime they are online and the fact that its easy to find out if there's an update to my blog and such... Heck, I don't give a damn anymore. If people want to read, read. If they don't, its their choice. I got tired with Friendster's cheesy ads.. I couldn't stand it. Honest!

Anyway, as I am writing this entry I am using the browser Camino which is a variation of the Firefox browser that had been tailored to suit the Macintosh environment. I must say they have done a good job with the GUI and on the experience as a whole but then again, I notice there's some problem with its ability to display text so I decided to continue writing this entry in TextEdit (something like Notepad).

Hurm, talking about browsers.. Well, I believe most of you couldn't care less which browser you use as long as it gets you where you wanted right? Well, I used to be the same too. I honestly believe that Internet Explorer was the bomb! I know, I know, but hey, I'm still young at that time and I was very clueless on the flaws of IE not to mention the 'Browser War' that was going on then. I did notice however those small buttons with 'Best viewed in IE' and 'Best viewed in Netscape' but I was happy enough to not try use Netscape. But then again, looking at that era apart from IE and Netscape, there was nothing else so I guess that too played a significant factor.

Then all of the sudden, came a browser called Mozilla Firebird and I tried it out of curiosity and got hooked! Can you imagine? Tabbed browsing, a slicker interface, lightweight, no popups.. it was like WOW! Oh yeah, that browser is now called Firefox and currently in its 2nd reincarnation... you guys know that right? Well, for those who haven't I suggest you do. I'm not saying that the latest IE, IE7 is not up to par, but there's something that make Firefox stood higher that the competition (at least in my oppinion), its simplicity.

Browsers worth checking out:
Shiira (Mac)


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