Within Limitations

20090721-DSC 1730

20090721-DSC 1739

20090721-DSC 1820

20090721-DSC 1874

Sometimes knowing what your gear can't do is as rewarding as knowing what it can.

I shot this with an old M42 system Russian Mir-1V lens, attached to my Nikon D40. I can't focus on far objects with this setup due to physics; the Nikon body puts the M42 system lens 1 mm further out than it is supposed to sit. Not a match made in haven, definitely.

Yes, it is kind of annoying actually having to let go scenes that are too further up on a tree, or somewhere across the street. Still, I try to make the most out of the limitations and think of scenes that I can shoot rather than those I have to let go.

It made my day.

21 July 2009
48000 Rawang
Nikon D40 + Mir-1V 37/2.8 + Adobe Lightroom + some trial and error.

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