These last few months have been quite depressing to say the least. Mostly is because I'm unemployed, broke and still living off my parent's money, something that I aimed to stop once I finish my studies.

I'm one of the statistics.

You know, all those bad things and bad perception people have on people unemployed? Yeah, those things suddenly hurts. It was that I could just laugh it off. These days, I laugh it off all right, right before I get up and go somewhere to be alone.

All of the sudden, everything felt so wrong. I used to think that everything would come easy for me, as it always did before, and the one before that. It isn't quite like that now. Man I wish I still have that optimism that I used to have not 5 years ago.

Yeah, I know. Instead of bitching about it here, I should do something about it. Believe me I am. I really am. It's just that I kinda need to let it out, talk to someone about it, regardless who. If it's you, then thank you for merely reaching this line right here. I couldn't ask for more.

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