Newton's Third Law

Here's a thing I've been thinking.

Newton said:

"To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."


So is it possible for us humans to envision some sort of technology to harness those reactions to create electricity? Sorta like a new form of flooring placed at busy junctions or on the subway floor that'll harness the impacts of people walking and turning it into electricity to power, say, the escalator or perhaps the ticketing machine.

Or maybe put it on overhead bridges' suspensions to convert the sways created by cars and lorries into electricity for the streetlights and the traffic lights.

Or even on tall buildings where the sways created by the wind can be harness to power the exterior lighting of the building, or maybe even the airconditioning.

We've seen things such as regenerative breaking in electric and hybrid automobiles that convert some kinetic energy from the breaking into electricity. So that means we can apply it elsewhere can't we?

Is it possible? Come on you engineering people. Let's think!

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