America's total debt is at about $8.7 trillion and is going up and up as we speak. So yeah, it's America, the great Satan state, why should we care right? Well, we live and we learn. Not only from our mistakes, but also from others.

I've never been more interested in economics until I watched this movie. It covers the 4 areas where deficit is happening in America; budget, savings, trade and leadership and how it all drags that great nation down into the ocean plus steps that people need to do to remedy it.

Looking at the problems cited in the movie, it is about the same as what is going on in this country to us the Malaysian people. Spending money we have yet to earn, not saving, outsourcing our industry. Man, the same thing could happen here!

It would be utterly selfish for me not to share it with you guys. So yeah, spend a good 1 hour and a half and watch the movie up there while it's still there. There's no such thing as free lunch guys. Seriously.

PS: By the way, ever wondered how much money 1 trillion Dollar is? Click here.

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