Reality check

Red and Yellow Bulge

That Damned Beetle

Clotheslines Puan Maznah


Mineral water keeps me going

Traffic Cone

Self Portrait

Late April 2009
Rawang, Soho/Solaris, Equine Park
Zenit-E + Helios 44-2 58/2 + Agfa CT Precisa 100 + a sense of regret and the longing to do better.


I usually shoot Fujifilm ever since I discovered my love for films. All those years before that I always picks up Kodak since everyone else is using it. Apart from that, not many other brands have had the chance to see the inside of my camera.

The last time I shot anything Agfa as far as I can remember was when Arif bought his Lomo LC-A. Oh yeah, there was that Carrefour film but I don't think that counts. For whatever reason..

Anyway, the roll up there was processed using the wrong chemicals. On purpose. It's something people call cross processing. There are 2 types of films, one is the normal one people use where the negatives are in negatives. Those are for print. Another one is called slide film. This film produce positive colours on the film strip which are then cut to be used on slide projectors. You mean like the ones Doktor Gigi sekolah guna tu? Yeah, that one.

So those 2 film types are processed differently. Throwing one type of film into a vat of the other's chemical can produce interesting results. It is sorta like goreng ayam using rempah ikan. Weird I know, but some people like it.

Films are unique individuals like you and me. Some films shift colour tremendously when you cross process them, such as them Fujifilms. Others such as Kodak and Agfa seems to retain the original colour although the contrast gets higher. Still, it depends on all sort of things. Your setting, the glass on your lens, the weather, the colour temperature. Unique individuals right?

Anyway, I think I would probably like to stick with my Fujifilms for the time being. The result is more close to heart i think. To each their own right?

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