Are you Skynet?

I love this sort of web programming.


Wolfram|Alpha is a self described 'computational knowledge engine'. Unlike Yahoo, Google or your other favourite search engine, it does not search the web for pages that matches your query. What it does is give you information.

For you mathematicians and people who works around numbers, you can say that Wolfram|Alpha works like a calculator, giving answers to your arcane formulae in ways that a guy like me wouldn't understand. Like what the hell is x^2 sin(x)

It's amazing actually. You key in 'Kuala Lumpur' and it gives you back the population of both city and metro area, current time, weather, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed as well as elevation from sea level.

It's not just for mathematics and academia though. Say you are wondering what is the 5th biggest island in the world, just key it in and poof, Great Britain pops up. Search for Mother's Day and you'll be presented with not only the date but also how long till or since the day, which day of the year was it, any other anniversary occurring on the same date, the time for sunrise and sunset, the duration of sunlight as well as the phase of the moon.

Like whoa.

Yeah sure, you can get all this from everywhere over the web but if you're in a hurry for that one crucial data, it might just save your day.

Another step for artificial intelligence. Click here to go to Wolfram|Alpha.

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