A friend in need

Last weekend I received a message from a friend in Kelantan, Abé:
Salam.. our Azham Aizad is now is Selayang Hospital due to severe accident. Both hands plastered and he is brain-fracture suspected.
Wow.. You don't get that kind of meseage everyday, even more about a friend. I immediately called Abé and he told me he got the info from Ainan. I ringed Ainan to get the ward and bed number: Wad 4B, Bed 14.

I drove to the hospital with Hariri who happens to be around. Rawang and Selayang is very near so I guess it would be very wrong for us not to go. Heck, I would even go if it was in Serdang; he's my friend! I've never had a friend in the hospital due to an accident before and most of the visit to the hospital are mostly about a member of the family or my parent's friends so I was very much unsure how to handle the situation. Neither did Hariri but we head on anyway.

Nevetheless, no safe driving public awareness campaign could prepare us to the time when we say Azham. I was speechless for a moment at the sight of my friend on the bed in that situation. I admit there is this tingling sensation in my eyes but I tried my best not to weep, it would make it worst for him. I was very happy that he is conscious and he told me about how it happened and how lucky he is to secure his helmet tightly just before the accident. Even that, his head suffer minor fracture, both of his arm broken and all the stiches he had to endure..

We stayed by his bed for half and hour until another group of visitors came and we wished adieu to Azham and his family. Thinking back to the days we were in College, I was not really close to him and we indeed have a lot of dispute. Nevertheless, the unity we instilled in our soul back then on the blistering heat of the Grey and the dark uncertaities of the Prep School Common Room managed to conquer all odds. Unity is strength, and strength is what my friend Azham really need.

To all Budak Koleq, do visit our friend Azham Aizad. It could be anyone of us on that bed he's on. A friend in need is a friend indeed, isn't it?

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