Negaraku and Namewee

Well.. Namewee Namewee Namewee. I first watch his video when it was first featured on thecicak sometime last month I think. Anyway, I've been offline the whole week and I haven't been reading newspaper either so I don't really know that this fella is now famous.Or is it infamous.. Hurm..

Look, I do support freedom of speech and all that stuff and I do think what he sang about is somewhat true. What I'm pissed off about you Namewee is that you make fun of my Negaraku.. and you have the guts to say that you love the country and proud to be Malaysian. Yeah right.

Look, the thing that's fucked up with this country is the government, not the country itself. A car is a car, the one who drives it determines whether the car is driven nicely or not. The same goes for this country. This country is Malaysia, what determines its course is the government and if you still haven't notice, Negaraku belongs to Malaysia the country, not the government. You don't express how you loathe the country by making fun of its anthem. But hey, since you have did that, why not wipe your ass with the Bendera Malaysia too?

Namewee, if I'm not mistaken you live in Taiwan don't you? I wonder.. would you still do that great song of yours if you are still in Malaysia. Well, if you trully believe in what you preach, that wouldn't be an issue would it? Or are you just brave to do that song because you are not within the Malaysian borders. I haven't been keeping up with the news on you because I honestly have more important things to do that waste my time on you but I think I heard that you are going to apologize. I hope I've heard wrong because again, if you really believe in what you preach, an apology wouldn't be anywhere on your list.

I don't know about other people but I do have a thing for anthems. Anthems are apart of me. I sang the Malay College anthem because I'm apart of the College. Heck, I've even cried singing that song. I sang my batch anthem, the Motherussia because I am apart of my batch. It's apart of me, it's my identity.. and so does Negaraku. It doesn't matter if that song is based on the tune of Mamula Moon, the Hawaiian folk song. Most national anthems are based on folk songs. The American anthem was based on a beer drinking song, but does that stop people feeling the love for their country when they sing that song. But I guess you don't know all this stuff Namewee.. you just wanna have fun right?

Okay, I know that there are some people who might be reading this who support Namewee. Let me clarify it again: I agree with the thing he sang about, I disagree how he does it. Matlamat tidak menghalalkan cara..

You are a talented person Namewee. Use it well. Let us all hate the government for the bad things you say they do, but don't hate our country in the process okay bro? I hope you went through all this ordeal the best you could. Insyaallah..


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