
Maaf. Saya tak bermaksud untuk bermalas-malas.

Yesterday I went to watch Cloverfield with Neet. As I've written before, I was very eagerly waiting for the movie to premiere but I had to wait like, a week before actually getting to watch the movie. Why? I've made a promise with Neet to watch it with her and we could only find the time when both of us are free a week after the premiere. Sweetkan saya?

Anyway, the movie was everything I expect it to be and more.. though some people might detest. The whole concept is different from other movies I've watched before. If previously I though The Bourne Ultimatum camera style made me feel like I was actually being there with Matt Damon, Cloverfield made me take back the statement.

For those who have yet seen the movie, the whole movie was supposedly a series of footage found after the incident which was shot by a group of friends. So basically throughout the whole 90 minutes we are watching the playback of that tape which according to the movie is classified as a United States secret. The whole experience is very close to heart for me since I spent most of my days rewinding and playing back DV tapes after DV tapes. The camera movement is also what you would generally expect from watching home videos; jerky, swaying and all that. It's kind of nauseating but come to think about it, we are the YouTube generation. Most of the stuff we enjoy these days are of similar manner. The difference is perhaps the screen size.

Though the movie is not the first to deploy such method (The Blair With Project was the first back in 1999), Cloverfield felt very fresh. It really mirrors the current outlook people have on life for example in the movie you can see countless other people also recording the event as it unfolds via their camcorders and handphones. Makes us feel very much at home.

Go ahead and watch it. It's worth it.

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