4th January


On this day back in 2001 some 120 young, bright minded yet scared little children's life was changed forever. For 5 years they lived together, toiled under the hot sun, stood on scorching concrete, shivered in the coldest of rains and took every bullets. Amidst all that, they are still standing.

Though no longer under one roof or play on one field, somehow they all still feel that deep inside they are still together. Memories of yesteryears are more than illusions. For me, it is a refuge. When the world turn its back on me, I close my eyes and I find myself on that stone bench I love so much surrounded by those who matter most. For a while, it was good.

Guys, thank you for giving a chance to live those wonderful years with you. Thank you for guiding me to what I am today. You are more than friends to me.

Happy Birthday to the Class of 2005. 

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