
Hi, how are you doing?

Phewh! What a week. Sorry for not posting anything dear but I truly doesn't have any time. Yeah, I'm working now and for the whole last 5 days I had to be in Bangsar for the Harith Iskander show, 'Got Free Ticket, Ah?'. Yeah, that's what they call it.

Anyway, it was produced and organized by the company I'm working at, Tall Order Production. I'm one of the backstage crew. Yeeha! Kindof remind me of the school concerts and the Merdeka theaters I worked on back in MCKK. But man, it was surely different. Well, most of the part is we are doing this for a paying crowd compared to eager school children and the people on the stage are professionals. Jit Murad, Harith Iskander.. right?

Well, I'm relieved it's over. It was a great experience, it really was. I also got my first paycheck! Haha.. 

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