The Girlfriend

Cat survival guide.

Befriend a healthy male cat that lives with a cat loving family, be that cat's baby's momma and you'll have free food and shelter for as long as you might live. You might not be getting into the house but the porch is a better place to be when its raining than any alley could.

So your kitten inherited your pneumonia? No problem. He's already at the vet. So what if your name is a simple 'Gopen'. The hand that feeds you are spending sleepless nights thinking of what to name your kids. Oh what a classic tale of a mother's sacrifice..

The last few months is probably the best months of your life. 

Thank God we didn't put you to sleep. Remember that and please be grateful. Stop pooping on our lawn and learn to use the potty just like your kids and Ochin do.

As the old saying goes, you don't poop on the lawn of the lady who wakes up in the morning to feed you cat food.

Have a nice day Gopen.

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