
Currently busy cutting and assembling the group's documentary. Alone. Yeah, there's no I in a team, I know. Oh well.. Tired mind and body thinking how to get it done from 3 tapes into just 5 to 7 minutes.

At least it's not calculus or chemistry. Phewh!

From the footages shot, there's a whole bunch of issue but the most recurring ones are the young and how they perceive history, about conservation versus development, about educating the people as well as how economy and politics play an important role in dictating things.

Here are a few things I've started to work on.


The Flor de la Mar.

Which reminds me. Back when I was studying French, the French equivalent to the word flor de la mar is fleur de la mer, translated literally back into English as the flower of the sea. But in French, the term fleur de la mer in general use meant the same thing as seafood.

Heh.. Flor de la Mar.. the seafood ship. Nice name for a seafood restaurant I think. A well needed change from the overused D'lazat, D'sedap, D'abang, D'anjung, D'ayu Seafood and D'mamak everywhere. 

Mr. Edward Kennedy and his pet iguana.

Found him just in front of the A'Famosa gates. It'll cost you RM 3 to take photo with his 8 year old pet iguana using his Polaroid (woot!) camera. A Portuguese descendant, very fiery and opinionated about the heritages of Malacca.


I'm hoping to get the basic structure and direction done by tonight. There are a lot of audios that need to be tweeked, complementary from the damaged boom mic cable and I still haven't really figured out the intro for this video. So yeah.. Busy.

Deadline? Thursday, 12pm.

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