
I saw this number while I was browsing just now and I smiled.


Pemalar Avogadro.

Until now I don't know what it means and what it is used for.

The same goes for mol.

What's the relationship between the two of them?

It's amazing how little I know of Chemistry after studying it for 2 years.

Did I study even study it?

Okay, I meant to say 2 years of going to Chemistry class. There.

I don't know why.. maybe I'm just not interested about it. There's some part of me wanting to say that by the time I wanted to know what it was, it was already too late. But that doesn't make sense since the people that slacked with me in 2004 did well for Chemistry in 2005.

So yeah, I guess I was lazy.

Still, I want to dedicate a few thoughts of my failure to understand Chemistry to my teachers. Yes, rude I know but I feel that they could do better.

H: Cikgu, mol tu ape?
S: Mol tuh.. mol tu mol la.. Macam mane lagi saye nak terangkan kat awak?

Well, I don't know.. I love analogies, I'm sure that could help.. 

That's the thing that I hate about chemistry. It's something I can't imagine. Something I can't construct a visual reference with in my mind. The only thing I can imagine are the molecules banging each other.. boing boing boing.. I understood Physics because I can imagine Physics. I understood Biology because I can imagine Biology.

Maybe I didn't know enough of Chemistry to imagine about it.

Oh well.. kambing dah keluar kandang, aku baru bangun tidur. Tak ada guna. Kereta api dah pergi aku baru nak beli tiket. Tak ada guna. Kapal dah karam aku baru nak belajar berenang. Tak ada guna.

Tapi untuk kau belum lagi.

It's okay if you want to know what 480p, 720p, 1080p, 1080i, 2K, 4K, PAL, SECAM and NTSC means. You'll have time for those..

Sekarang ni, bukak buku Pelangi, bagi faham Pemalar Avogadro dulu. Bagi faham mol dulu. Lepas kau dah reti semua tu kau datang cari aku, apa kau nak tau aku boleh ajar.


Dah terlambat sikit, tapi tak apa. Good luck SPM.

p/s: A fellow Old Boy once said this to me: SPM tu senang. Menyesal aku belajar. Heh.. 

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