No, I haven't eaten the Prosperity Burger this time around. I don't plan on doing it too.

I'm looking for a different kind of prosperity.

One that lasts. Instead of one that I'll shit out after 12 hours.


Yeah, sometimes I run all the way to the cybercafe just to post things like this.

No, I didn't actually run. I'm not a comedian, I don't make people laugh.


I was sitting by the sidewalk when I saw my shadow on the ground. I looked up and I saw the streetlight.

Was it the light or was it me who made the shadow?

It reminded me of this poem.

Berjalan ke Barat di Waktu Pagi Hari

Waktu berjalan ke barat di waktu pagi hari matahari mengikutiku di belakang

Aku berjalan mengikuti bayang-bayangku sendiri yang memanjang di depan

Aku dan matahari tidak bertengkar tentang siapa di antara kami yang telah menciptakan bayang-bayang

Aku dan bayang-bayang tidak bertengkar tentang siapa di antara kami yang harus berjalan di depan

Sapardi Djoko Damono


It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.


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