Self help

I am happy being sad. Being sad makes me happy.

Yeah. Like, seriously.

I often find myself lying on bed looking at the ceiling and contemplating about the things that happen today and from there, construct a worse case scenario where everything that can go wrong, did go wrong.

Alienation, abandonment, rejection, humiliation, prosecution, anguish. The whole shebang.

At it makes me happy, the closet psychopath that I am. Oh, in case anyone ask, yeah, I'm just saying that I'm a psychopath since it's the in thing these days. Yeah, like, totally suicidal and stuff. Just look at my blog, all black and grey.

Heh. But seriously, it does help. When you open up your eyes and look back at the reality, you'll be thankful how lucky you are and since you've imagined your way through the worst possibility, whatever bad things reality throws at you won't feel that bad.

Oh, unless you're submitting an assignment and our brother Murphy's Law barge in. There's no cure for that yet.

I'll be marching to the patent office soon. Need to patent this thing before someone steals it from me, writes a book and be rich.

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