
I'm bored.. can somebody make me a coffee? Coffee makes me happy. You? You make me feel alive. Coffee makes me happy. You make me happy and you make me sad. You make me feel all sorts of feeling and what makes one feel more alive than to feel?

I love coffee. I love you more.


How do you value friendship? Kita selalu pakai macam-macam nice words to describe how deeply we value our friendship. Kawan 8 tahun, Kawan hidup-mati, Adik-beradik, Blood brothers. Those are words. A feeling is more abstract than that.

A few days back I heard about a friend so willingly ended 8 years of friendship over a matter of RM 60. I felt sad. That is how much he value his friend. His value as my friend dropped to RM 59.90 that night. 

While I was driving down the blessed MRR2 that night, I wonder how much my friends value me. That's not really an easy thing to find out. You can't ask; you'll only get words thrown back at you. A feeling is much more abstract than that.


Ouch, I spilled coffee on my jeans.. Damn, now I kena basuh pulak. Takpe lah, kalau mengantuk boleh hidu jeans. Ahh...

Anyway, you guys can't comment on this one. Sorry. I don't need more words. I've heard enough. I don't want to be lied at again.


Teringat tahun 2003, di sebuah dinding betul-betul depan pintu Dorm 7 di Pavilion. Ada seorang budak sedang mencoret.

Actions define a man. Words are just like farts in the wind

Kalau Don Corleone tahu, pasti budak tu sedang sleeping with the fishes.

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