Wow wow wow..

Wow.. wow, wow, wow.

At long last, Pak Lah naik jugak LRT dengan KTM Komuter. Bagus, bagus.. I'm impressed. I'm sure this has nothing to do with the elections up north, isn't that so Pak Lah?

A good start though looking about the news for the last few weeks especially those about your dwindling approval rating, it is kind of a case of too little, too late. PM unhappy with Komuter, KTM services so read the headlines.. urm, yeah. That's what we've been telling you all along.

Well, here's Amir Hadi Azmi, a Malaysian citizen, hoping that at this exact moment, you, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Malaysian Prime Minister, is in Putrajaya discussing with your people on how to improve the matter. As the great Don once said, actions define a man.

Have a nice day Pak Lah.

Click here for The Star's report on the story
Click here for Malaysiakini's report on the story

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