Picture speaks a 1000 words

I'm quite accustommed to people's blank stare when I mentioned I'm studying Mass Communication. The next thing they'll probably ask is of course, "Mass Comm tu apa?". Sometimes when I'm in the mood I often give out a more detailed information on my course though when I'm not quite in the mood I often give a simple answer: Media. When I'm really not in the mood pulak, I would skip the whole Mass Comm thing and tell them I'm studying Broadcasting (or Penyiaran, depending on the audience), or Journalism followed by a few names of big companies like Astro or TV3 to give them a better idea. Well, that's what happen to minorities.. I don't think Medic student have to go through all this.

Being in Limkokwing and in Communication school, I often stumble upon frequent terms that though I myself use quite a lot: Marketing, PR, Advertising and Branding. These four words are everywhere in Limkokwing and just like Mass Comm up there, it does need some clarification for most people to fully grasp it.. and clarifying it isn't as easy as it sounds. I remember telling Arif about what PR really is and it took us the whole lenght from the Rawang toll to Sungai Buloh exit to cover the basic fundamentals of it, with some examples. Shouldn't life be easy?

Well, I would like to thank the Internet and my boredness for showing me an easier way of doing it: Pictures.

Simple isn't it? There you have it, the fundamentals of Marketing, PR, Advertising and Branding in 4 simple pictures. Now, don't tell me you still don't understand..

Psst: I couldn't manage to get the picture to be bigger than that. Click it to view in original size. By the way, I can't remember the original site I got this picture from. If it happen to be yours or you have issues regarding me using it, do write a comment and I'll take the appropriate action. Thanks in advance.


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