I miss those days..

Burp.. good morning Kuala Kangsar! Damn, I miss Kuala Kangsar morning.. Sundays particularly. We would sleep late chattering with each other as well as doing 'crazy' things and woke up late. Then we ran to the shower and do whatever we should do there and ran back again to the dorm and get ourself dressed for the prep. Some would dress as if their going for futsal while others put on their best clothes that would pass for a prom. Then as we walked in front of the Overfloor again chatting as we do it, Cikgu Shamsuddin will start his countdown from the Pondok Guard (or Pandak Guord as Dodot calls it) and we will be running again. If we get lucky we could pass the gate before the countdown ends, if not our butts will be disfigured yet again. Then there's the assembly. We sing the College Anthem and listen as the A Song is played as well as the many announcement they have. We would begin to ask around for the news whenever the "Nama-nama berikut sila ke Bilik Cikgu Fairuz selepas perhimpunan" announcement was made. Then we all go our seperate ways: some to class, some to the canteen some to the Junior's blog while some others are still at the Dorm, running away from the guards..

Damn, we sure did a lot of running those days and we chat alot too..

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