Sastera and the Internet

There are still many people who hold this belief that the younger generations of Malaysians are not interested in Sastera.

This people have been looking at all the wrong places. Sastera is thriving on the Internet.

Sastera? On the Internet? That's blasphemy!

Kenapa pulak? A blog is a metaphor for a book.

The Internet is a lawless zone. Budak-budak tu tulis mengarut..

Siapa kata seni itu berundang-undang? It being lawless is a wonderful thing. The mind is free.

I've read more beautiful words on this 12 inch screen in the last few months than what I've read on printed papers for the last few years.

The Internet gives us the opportunity to be heard. It gives us the chance to showcase what we've written instead of leaving it lying dead in a book we kept hidden from others, takut kena gelak.

How many people sent in their writing to magazines, books only to find their work not good enough to be publish, leaving them sad and demoralized.. 

Ah, benci aku tulis sajak-sajak ni. Bukan orang baca pun.

Houston, we've just killed a Chairil Anwar.

There's always a place and time for everything. The Internet and the blogs are the future of Sastera. 

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