Annoying IE

My sister bought a new laptop so the old one that I'm suing here is going to be Mak and Arif's. The desktop upstairs is dead, so this laptop is going to replace it. Plus, it is upstairs.. mak tak suka naik atas. This laptop she want to carry to the kitchen pun can also.

As always, I have to tune it up to make it easier for mak to use.

Anyway, it has been a long time since I've used anything else apart from Safari. So today while I was browsing my blog on Firefox, I've decided to do a cross browser check to see if there are any anomalies.

Here is the result.

1. Safari. This is how I see my blog, an intended it to be.

2. Here is how you guys on Firefox would see Pelangi Hitam Putih.

3. Now, this is annoying. I've just found out my bottom bar is screwed when opened in Internet Explorer.

I've read about how Internet Explorer is particularly infamous for its rendering. Is it a problem with my code? If it is, then why could Safari and Firefox display it properly?

Damn.. this is really frustrating. I know for a fact that a lot of people reading my blog are using Internet Explorer. I really got to figure out how to fix it. I can just throw it away but I kindof like it you know.. 

Yup yup.. this is very much annoying.

UPDATE: Changed the code, made the bar to sit at the very bottom of the page. Not quite satisfied but it's better that way. Please inform if you see anything that looks strange. Thanks.

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