MCKK on the news

Well, I'm in the library right now. It's 4.30 o'clock and though I don't have a class today I still am here to savour the joy of high speed Internet. Haha.. Damn, when will my house have Streamyx? I'm tired la having to come here everyday just to blog.

Anyway, I stumbled upon an article about MCKK on NST yesterday sent by a mother who's son had just registered there and praising about the adminstration's effectiveness in handling the registration process.. Soft news, I know but there's a few things I found funny about the letter. This lady mentioned that her son got 5As in PMR.. How the hell would someone with 5As get into MCKK? Well, She must've mean 8As in PMR kot.. or maybe 5As in UPSR.

The next thing is when she praises the current HM, Rauhi Md Isa on handling the whole thing. Now lady, let me tell you this: He doesn't do anything. If you want to praise someone, praise the teachers and praise the students for that matter. They're the one who really did the works. That guy is already full of ego, don't give him another reason to up his ego a few notches more ya? Thanks.

Well, I really wish to write more but lately I've been wondering: Is there anyone out there who read all this words I write or am I just syok sendiri? Heck, I think I can even leave a naked picture of me here for a week and no one will ever see it.

Hurm.. How do you make people read your stuff? I confess that I tried to be political, maybe by being political people would notice my blog but then again, I'm not in the position to write anything political.. and I keep my opinions to myself most of the time.. So that's probably why I tend to write about this things I witness all around me. But hey, I don't think people really care about that right?

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