Customer satisfaction

This computer is getting more and more dead as days pass by. I had to reboot it thrice to even get here!.. and I don't know how long it'll be till I have to reboot again. Sheesh. What do you expect? This is a 4 year old computer anyway which in computer years, ancient as them Stonehenge.. I really think we should get a replacement. Kesian mak nak guna. I was thinking of getting one of those Mac Minis to replace this PC. The last time I checked the price is around RM 2500. Why Mac? I think it would be easier for Mak to use because I automate it to open all the stuff she usually use and it is quite easily maintained. Oh how oh how can I convince my parents to opt for a Mac? Hurm..

Talking about Macs, I was at the Curve today to have a look at my PowerBook. Barry wasn't there so I talked to his colleague who asked for my slip which I forgot to bring.
Guy: Sorry, you have to bring the slip
Me: Owh, okay. Is Barry here?
Guy: He's busy
End of conversation. He walked back into the backroom and I, dissappointed as I could be walked out the store and sat on one of the benches. Shit.. Can I at least have a look? Anyway, as I sat there with Neet thinking and thinking, something pops up in my head: 4H6101YKRJ4; My Mac's serial number. How can I remember such silly string of number? Well, I guess its divine intervention.

So armed with the number I stormed back into the store to be greeted by the nice counter lady. "Can you guys at least check whether it's done or not. I just want to know that", and begin uttering the serial number to that lady who stood there mesmerized. Then the guy before came out from the room and suddenly being nice, checked through the log book and said, "Sorry, it not done yet. If anything we will give you a call sir". Now, that's more like it. Can you guys be nice to your customer? Do I look poor enough to own a Mac? Oh, this all reminds me of my marketing class when we discussed about customer satisfaction. What is customer satisfaction?
Customer satisfaction is when you provide service that is above the customer's expectation
So then I left the store with a renewed sense of hope that eventhough I didn't get to see my Mac, I know about its whereabout. Anyway, until the day my Mac is up and running again I guess I have to settle with this ancient PCs as well as my friend's graphic powerhouses to get my assignments going.

Using someone else's computer is just like driving someone else's car isn't it? Both do the same thing, but it's not as fun.


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