Segregation on the LRT?

I thought I was living in Malaysia today.. until I turn on the radio and heard the news about there is a proposal in Parliament that calls for segregation of gender in the LRT. My thought of Malaysia fades and a vision of Taliban Afghanistan appeared. What are these politicians thinking?

I googled on the topic and though it is still new, there are a few alert bloggers who have already written about it. Among other reasons, the most likely one is that there are reports that Muslim couples are 'rubbing' against eachother in the crowded commuter. I was like, what? Just because a few kids are holding on to eachother you want to segregate the whole service? Oh, come on!

The LRT is where you get to see how Malaysians are really is. I've went through a lot of days seeing old ladies being denied of their seat by an irrate businessman who doesn't want to put his bag on the floor or his lap. I've seen a man standing up to give their seat to a senior citizen who refused to take the seat. I've seen people pura-pura tak nampak when a man on crutches embarked the train. It's not all bad though. Last week when I was on the KTM, we helped an elderly couple which the husband is blind and was carrying a bag get into the train. A young lady was even kind enough to give her seat to the couples. Do you plan to segregate these couple as well? There's always a good and bad side of everything. Why don't we think of the positive?

I hate people who talk a lot about something they don't have experience with. How many politicians who frequently use the LRT as a mode of transportation? How many? Do you guys know how is it like to ride it during rush hour where people cramped themselves just to get home in time for dinner? Korang naik Perdana ada driver, ada polis escort cakap senang la. Segregate konon.

Segregation will only make matter worst. Do you think we teenagers are so addicted to sex that we need to do the touchy feely even on the trains? Do you think we are that stupid Mr. Politician sir? If we really need to cuddle eachother, we have a lot of other venues where we could do it. Are you sure your son have never brought a girl back home while you were away Mr. Politician? Are you really really sure? Why do you care too much that boys and girls are holding hands on the train? You suppress them, and the only thing that would happen is them being more curious on why they are being suppressed. Sheesh.. Holding on to eachother on the train is nothing to be worry of Mr. Politician sir. Sometimes, it is a must. Have you heard of inertia? Oh yeah, you ride a Perdana with police escort. Of course you don't know about that.

Malaysia is always trying to do a lot of crazy implementations to better the society. Nevertheless, we still fail to admit that the core of most of our social problems is at school. Our education system sucks. Our classrooms are poorly equipt. Our SmartSchool project is a joke. You want to cure social ills? Implement Sex Education, reintroduce Civic and better the Moral and Islamic courses. Then you can dump that sorry excuse for national integrity you call the National Service and we all can focus on more important issues in the Parliament.

Segregation on the LRT? You can do better than that Mr. Politician.

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