Good Morning

Good morning people. It's 10 minutes to 10 here in Rawang and at around 11 I'll be going back to Penang. Why? I'm going under the knife.

See, I've got this something swelling inside my nasal system and it needs to be removed. For all you medic students, its my adenoids and tonsils. It's not really a life threatening situation though, it's just that it might one day fully clog my respiration system.. Owh, wait.. That's life threatening. Yeah, and I'm kind of bored disturbing other people's sleep. Budak Koleqs should know what I'm talking about. Haha..

So my operation is on Tuesday and I won't be back in the Valley 'till Thursday or Friday and since there's no Internet over where I'm going, I won't be updating this blog. Sorry..

Anyway, just wanna say thanks to all who've been reading my blog all this while. I have roughly 100 readers weekly from many many countries. Thank you and do please pray for my wellbeing ya? I do am afraid.

So folks, have a nice week ahead of you and I can't wait to be back again. Cheers!

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